Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Favorites 4/17/15

This week I am linking up again with Erika and sharing this week's favorites!

Last Friday Josh and I had a date night and took my niece Emma to TGI Fridays.  I got so tickled because when we went by the the restaurant a few days later Emma asked if they were open or if they were open only on Fridays.  She thought it was weird that they called it that and were opened all week :)

She has really been on a stuffed animal kick lately.  She is holding her beloved "Kate" from Arthur.  
She is collecting "Beanie Boos".  She absolutely loves them!  I found that I can get them for only $2.84 plus tax with a coupon at AC Moore!  It pretty much comes out to be 2 for the price of 1! :)

We love a beanie boo.
Emma and her Beanie Boos.  She is getting a collection :)

I love it when I get the opportunity to watch Emma play soccer.  She is so cute to watch :)  She scored the first goal and was super proud to get the sportsmanship award :)
 We have been working hard on not giving up when someone takes the ball away from you.
She has been doing much better to stick with her opponent instead of giving up.

On Wednesday Emma had testing and I wanted to make sure she had some encouragement!  I found these on Pinterest and was so excited to make them for her class!

Also on Wednesday I shared a few of my favorite outfits on the blog!

Check out this weeks outfits so far HERE!

On Thursday my sister took this picture.  
My nephews are only 8 months apart and are truly best friends.  Right after my oldest sister had my first nephew, my other sister found out she was pregnant. I love that they have such a great bond together :)  

How was your week?
I am feeling really blessed this week.

Have a great weekend!



  1. So funny about TGI Fridays! My daughter asked me the same thing.

  2. Just found your blog! Your nephews are precious :) And I love spending time with my cousin who looks to be about the same age as your niece! I have two brothers so I love hanging out with a little girl! :)

  3. Looks like you guys had a blast!!! Happy Friday

  4. The TGIFridays closed down where I live. And I miss those Jack Daniels chicken tenders!

  5. 8 months apart???? Oh my word, God bless her! Loved your post!

    1. They are cousins! I have two sisters! They are together a lot though because one of my sisters babysits them both :)

  6. Wow! 8 months apart! Also, so funny about TGI Fridays :) Have a good weekend!

  7. Good morning Christin! I love your blog. You and Josh are so cute together! My husband and I did long distance for awhile so I know all to well what that's like. I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog this morning (Wed. 4/22) :)
    Have a great day!
